Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's Time to Think Scheduling

Working with students' schedules is an integral component of leadership development for all school-based administrators. Student academic success is dependent upon a schedule that meets the needs of the individual student.

Scheduling can't be a random assigning of students into classrooms, lunch assignments, and special activities.
You need:

• Assessment Data
• Student Data
• Teacher Data
• AYP Subgroup Data
• Students needing special assistance
and more!!!!

We're adding resources to help you with Spring scheduling. We invite you to make comments about your success and submit resources to add to this blog. Keep checking the blog as we will invite guest principals to write about their successes.

Share the wealth--BLOG!!!


Saef said...

Great Blog site. It is very helpful to have all this information conveniently located on one site makes it easy and useful for scheduling and information

Anonymous said...

It was great to meet with other Elementary schedulers and be provided many examples of types of schedules. Now we have a base of information that will help us in different situations.

Anonymous said...

It was great to see all of the different ways that elementary schools around the district schedule their lunch and specials. Effective scheduling is essential for creating meaningful blocks of instructional and planning time.

Troy Holding said...

In today's education system, we can all agree that there is alot of restructuring taking place to address the problem of time. I mean let's be real...problems with time is a common aspect of American culture. All schools from all areas are made up of different cultures. Schools, with their individual cultures and structures, face a unique set of dilemmas with regard to time. Therefore, scheduling plays such an integral part in the success of student achievement. What was great about this workshop, was the opportunity to hear from Administrators from schools of different cultures. We all were able to look at how each of us create schedules that support research-based instructional practices, increase the quality of instructional time, create the most efficient school day for all teachers and students and at the same time reduce fragmentation of the school day. The common bond between all of us....Create the best learning environment for your school culture.

Troy Holding said...

In today's education system, we can all agree that there is alot of restructuring taking place to address the problem of time. I mean let's be real...problems with time is a common aspect of American culture. All schools from all areas are made up of different cultures. Schools, with their individual cultures and structures, face a unique set of dilemmas with regard to time. Therefore, scheduling plays such an integral part in the success of student achievement. What was great about this workshop, was the opportunity to hear from Administrators from schools of different cultures. We all were able to look at how each of us create schedules that support research-based instructional practices, increase the quality of instructional time, create the most efficient school day for all teachers and students and at the same time reduce fragmentation of the school day. The common bond between all of us....Create the best learning environment for your school culture.

Sylvia Correa said...

Many school administrators have spent countless hours during the summer juggling schedules with the help of computer software, paper and pencils, magnetic boards and logic. Their goal is to schedule students appropriately. If you have been involved in scheduling you know it can be "mind boggling."
I appreciate having the opportunity to have these classes where we can meet, discuss and share ideas on different subjects. The scheduling meeting was helpful in that, we were able to see different ways schools' schedule their lunch and specials. I appreciate all the time we spent on such topics. They are relevant to what we are faced with at our schools.

M. Bianchi said...

It is interesting to see how other schools meet the challenges that you face when you create the master schedule. Creating a flexible schedule that provides the most resources through optimizing time, space, and staff is a challenge. Seeing how other schools have adapted their philosophies to fit within the parameters and restrictions of their circumstances gives you a chance to reflect on the practices of your own school.

I thought that the information was great and if research based strategies for scheduling students could be added that would be even more beneficial.

Lourdes Cruz said...

I found the time we were able to spend learning how other administrators schedule to have been very informative. Seeing how creatively other Assistant Principals plan, truly opened my eyes to different approaches of going through the scheduling process. It was also wonderful having the scheduling requirements for each subgroup at our finger tips.

Vanessa Schnur said...

Time is so tight these days it was great to see how each school meets the needs of students through their various scheduling methods. Whether the school had 300 children or 1200 scheduling is top priority in order for the school to function in an orderly fashion. After the workshop I now have a wealth of information that I can refer to in the future.

Janice Girling said...

Sawgrass Elementary has created our master schedule to allow for the 90 minute reading block at all grade levels while planning for over 200 students that receive ESE services. In scheduling, we also planned an extra block for special area teachers to provide remediation in reading and math for level 1 and 2 students.

I found the sharing of other elementary schools' schedules very useful. I highlighted some information that will help me plan for an even more effective schedule next school year.

Anonymous said...

Afetr attending the IAP scheduling workshop I felt like I had a better foundation to go back to my school and get involved with the master schedule. It was also nice to see how other schools were managing their electives, the challenges of the budget, and the challenge of meeting class size reduction.

Tarachell Thomas said...

It was great to be a part of the scheduling workshop. I learned the various methods of scheduling. I also walked away with new scheduling terminology. I think this workshop gave me a base from which I can pull from to interact better with my site's scheduling team.

Tom Nordstrom said...

Being able to meet in one location with so many Elementary schedulers and share ideas is always good, but when you have the opportunity to meet and walk away with a schedule from each school is exceptional. I really enjoyed having the chance to meet, review, ask questions, and share so many wonderful ideas. I now have a folder filled with samples of schedules that I am able to use when creating next years schedule. Plus I also have a contact at each of the schools if I am in need of any clarification. I am now able to review and plan to make sure our students and teachers are able to use the limited time in each day to it's fullest.

Anonymous said...

What I enjoyed most was all the different techniques that each school utilizes to get to the same results. It is so true that "there is more than one way to skin a cat!" Jeff Berry was very knowledge and open to other techniques and perspectives. He did not approach the topic as if his way was superior and allowed everyone to contribute their thoughts, rationale, and perspectives.

Vince Schiavo said...

I had taken this workshop at Dillard during the summer trainings.I liked the workshop because it had rookies and veteran schedulers in it.We worked together in teams to solve scheduling problems.It was nice having the veterans there because every problem we came across they had seen and had an answer for.

Anonymous said...

The scheduling workshop provided a good foundation and gave an exposure to all the different resources that can be tapped into for scheduling. It was very useful to visit other schools and see how other APs make the schedule fit their needs.

Anonymous said...

It was very helpful to see how other schools create their schedules. It has sparked some ideas in my mind as to how I'd like to try and build my school's schedule for next year. As a new administrator I know this will be one of my most daunting tasks, and I will definitely draw from the experiences of other administrators shared at this meeting.

Anonymous said...

The Scheduling workshop provided administrators with the chance to view master schedules from other schools in the district. The information presented at this workshop allowed the opportunity for schools to share how they schedule classes to meet the needs of all learners. All the administrators that attended walked away with various samples of how to schedule classes.

Anonymous said...

I found the Scheduling training very interesting at the elementary level. I learned so much about a certain school's culture just by looking at their schedule while having someone explain the rationale of it. I could tell the things that are important and the needs that are being addressed from the presentations that I saw, and enjoyed presenting my own school's master schedule.

Anonymous said...

The information provided by our facilitator is an essential component of addressing the needs of all students. Creating the master schedule is a daunting task which should involve a team of in-school stakeholders. Personnel involved in this process, specifically, in the alternative instructional environment are faced with creating unique schedules to meet the needs and demands of students that are both academically and socially fragile.

Anonymous said...

It was excellent to see how other schools schedule. At CPE, we schedule our ESE groups first. Once they are placed we work around those schedules. We map out the entire day for the teachers so that when they arrive on the first day of pre-planning they know what time is reading, math, writing, physical activity, etc. This was important because we found it more effective for the entire grade level to be teaching the same subject at the same time. Also, we have control over how many classes are on the playgrounds at one time.

Anonymous said...

Brown Said...
At the conclusion of the first day of our Scheduling Workshop,I reviewed all my ESOL and Reading placements. Surprisingly, I found one scheduling error, which was immediately corrected. It was a very helpful and useful workshop.

Anonymous said...

The scheduling workshop was very beneficial. In Elementary schools the scheduling process is not as overwhelming as middle or high schools, but it is still extremely important. We as administrators must work closely with our DPC, and Curriculum Specialists to ensure appropriate student placement. We also have to consider the needs of our students and teachers when it comes to scheduling specials, lunch time, reading groups, and the effective use of paraprofessionals.

Brad Fatout said...

The scheduling workshop provided a wealth of in-depth knowledge. I am able to review and understand the scheduling parameters and policies that are set forth with a new found comfort. I feel I am ready to help our Master Scheduler and Guidance Director with the upcoming schedule. The workshop also provided a learning curve in regards to tracking the placement of my ESOL, ESE, and Lowest 30th percentile students from my Academy within the schools parameters.

Kay Lang said...

What a great resource! I recently attended a secondary scheduling workshop. It was interesting to hear about the process that is involved in creating a master schedule. It is truly a living, and breathing document that is updated and revised frequently. I definitely have more respect for all my colleagues in the district who have this awesome responsibility.

Gina Montagnino said...

It was very helpful to meet with schedulers from other schools. We were able compare the methods and practices we have in place and identify areas for improvement.

G MOntagnino said...

It was very helpful to meet with schedulers from other schools. We were able compare the methods and practices we have in place and identify areas for improvement.

Ron Adam said...

The workshop was a good opportunity to network and share strategies with other experienced schedulers.

Ron Adam said...

It's always interesting to see how challenges are handled at other locations.

Jack Reed said...

It is exciting to see the changes taking place in the county. As we move toward a more standard and equitable scheduling process each student will benefit.

Roseann Vincent-Voisin said...

The training was a great opportunity to learned valuable information about scheduling. When we share ideas on ways to improve student achievement, I agreed that the emphasis should be on data analysis. I recognize the need to continue our efforts in these areas and focus our attention on areas of high need.