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Recap of what Intern Principals shared in podcast:
• Find better ways to code/track
• Use Western’s Exit Option Program
• Credit Recovery Program
• Identify Fourth- Year Students in Danger and get in APEX Programs
David Watkins
Intern Principal Whiddon-Rogers Education Center
• Offer and discuss in a meaningful way diploma options such as Standard and Exit Option.
• Schedule quarterly counseling sessions with assigned guidance counselor to discuss status, progress and requirements.
• Participate in PSAT, SAT and other post-secondary assessments.
• Ensure students who have not passed FCAT are scheduled into Intensive Reading and/or Intensive Math.
• Use remediation activities for 11th and 12th graders who have not passed the FCAT.
This is a wonderful resource for all administrators to discuss common concerns and support one another through proven methods. Moreover, it is another effective way to incorporate technology into our daily practices.
Using technology and sharing best practices!! This is a great resource for all instructional leaders! Thanks.
I am very proud of our new principals!!
What a great way to share ideas. Kudos to the HRD Leadership Development team for giving us 21st century tools to share best practices!
This is an excellent portal to share best practices!
The best strategy to add in to your day to day activities is motivation and inspiration to you staff. We must also acknowledge that our staff has worked hard and is still working hard right up until the last day. Celebrate and uplift your staff. A little praise goes a long way!!!
What a great idea to have a blog! I'd like to share one of the ways in which our school (Lyons Creek Middle) is targeting students to make sure they are getting the instruction they need is to suspend the curriculum two days a week (Tuesday and Wednesdays) during their homeroom classes. Students are given math and science instruction based on their individual areas of weakness to help improve their scores this year. We are taping lessons which can be used by teachers who are not math/science teachers to help them reach their students.
I went to Jeffrey Hernandez's presentation on January 9th and thought that it was great.
A lot of the information would have been better to have at the beginning of the year, but we will incorporate it for next year.
We have started to use some of the Crunch Time information and the best thing that we found was the Crunch Time Calendar which shows what percentage of each cluster was on the 2007 FCAT. We then made sure that our teachers revisited the FCAT results, BAT results, and mini assessments to make sure they were making the best use of their time.
In reference to AYP- Back in September, we gave the assignment below to our teams so they could identify their AYP kids and put in place interventions for those students.
Student Success Plans
1.Look at Virtual Counselor as a team.
2.Print out a Math and Reading Learning Gains Report for each class.
3.Highlight kids that:
a) did not make learning gains or their learning gains decreased
b) are included in any of the AYP subgroups that are at risk for our school (Black, Economically Disadvantaged, ESOL, Students with Disabilities).
4.Identify programs that these students are involved in as part of their academic day.
•Intensive classes
•Unique Skills
•Course Recovery
5.Identify a program that these students will take advantage of outside of their academic day.
•C.A.R.E. After School Tutoring
•A-OK Mentoring Program
•Team Intervention Plan
6.Present your plans to me at our next team meeting.
This blog is a great idea!
Matthew Bianchi- Sawgrass Springs Middle School
The concept of sharing best practices is imperative to the educational growth of our students. It is evident that there is no "one" remedy to remediate or enrich our students. In a society that is technologically rich, but economically not we need to go back to the basics and communicate with one another.
The information from Hernandez's powerpoint and process information made me smile. Indeed, as the English and Reading Department at Everglades High School we are doing these things and have been. Through our PSLC groups we have trained teachers on data, curriculum, and started school initiatives to have everyone CRISS trained and Reading endoresed. Several data chats have occurred with teacher, student, and parents (all stakeholders). There is no question on what needs to be done-we educate!
It is crucial to teach, reteach, and enrich teachers as well as our students. We found that the more opportunities for teachers to learn in a nonthreatening environment the more willing they were to try new things in the classroom.
I feel a lot of success also has to do with how we celebrate our successes. I agree 100% with what Latrell Edwards stated, "We must also acknowledge that our staff has worked hard and is still working hard right up until the last day. Celebrate and uplift your staff. A little praise goes a long way!!!"
Some things that have been done at EHS are as follows:
*Instructional Focus Calenders
*Metacognitive Activities
*Vertical Teams
*Data Trainings
*10 Minute FCAT Drill Review
*Saturday Success Sessions
*Level 3 Enrichment Sessions (once a week for thirthy minutes each)
*Best Practices
*School-Wide Word Walls
*Celebration of Successes
*FCAT Explorer
Laurel A. Bifora
Everglades HS
Fort Lauderdale Interim Principal-March 20, 2009
We are using technology for crunch time. Every day we feature a new strategy or word of the day on our morning broadcast. These are looped throughout the day. All of our labs have had software updates and are being used for the reading, writing and math programs. Promethian boards are being use, as well as distance learning through science. Our media specialist is concentrating on infusing technology into cluster #4 using real world project based learning. Powerpoints have been created for our parent nights as well as for teacher staff dev. The staff has received Midas training to insure that all statistical data is being utilized in the best interest of the students. Using the data, we have targeted our bubble students for our Saturday Success Academy.
Technology is an integral part of the learning process. This method of displaying information for everyone to access is a powerful tool. Thanks
My favorite part of this group is networking and building relationships. I love discussing ideas and best practices to consider. This blog is another great tool to refer back to. The AYP conversations were very informative. My school has made AYP and sharing my information was helpful to others. The schools that didn't achieve AYP, or used safe harbor to make AYP had even better ideas that I'm going to incorporate some into my school.
Leadership is a skill which needs practice and using the right technology can cater good results.
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